duminică, 30 iunie 2013

Happy days with Jamie Oliver

..as i promissed a few days ago,this is a post with recipes and tv shows made by the one and only Jamie Oliver!!!
Why i love this cook? he has the passion,and works so simple,with spectacular results,and as he always says in after the food is ready..HAPPY DAYS!!!
So i watched almoust every one of his shows,you cand find them on youtube,vplay,or on http://www.channel4.com/programmes/jamies-30-minute-meals

So we have grill recipes,15 minutes recipes,30 minutes meals,jamie cooks summer,jamie does:Italy,Maroc,Spain,Grece etc lots of great,famous,simple and delicious recipes from all over the globe,using all kind of meats and colored veggies!

Let's start with the 30 minutes meals,is a great show,perfect for everyone who likes,knows,or wants to learn about cooking...here you have a episode whith a great veg lasagna,dead easy to make and perfect for a hot summer!
Next 15 minutes meals,time saving tricks,multitasking,magic,full flavours and most important home made food!!!
Barbecue @jamie's home!
Jamie cooks summer is one of my favourite TV shows,and i'm not talking just about cooking shows!
And for the end of my post here is Jamie and Genaro making a perfect TIRAMISU,this one is from Jamie does Italy..
I'm not saying that everyone should cook,or love cooking but trust me there is something really fascinating about cook and food in general..and best of all you really don't need to be a chef to do all these great recipes! ENJOY!!!..and Happy Days! :D

.. ca am promis cu câteva zile în urmă, acesta este un post cu rețete și emisiunile realizate de către unicul Jamie Oliver!
Ce-mi place la acest bucătar? are pasiune, și funcționează atât de simplu, cu rezultate spectaculoase, si ca el spune mereu după ce mâncarea este gata .. zile fericite!
Deci, am urmarit aproape fiecare dintre spectacolele sale,  le găsești pe YouTube, Vplay, sau pe http://www.channel4.com/programmes/jamies-30-minute-meals

Deci avem rețete pentru gratar,gata in 15 minute ,sa gatesti in 30 de minute, Jamie bucătar de vară, Jamie in: Italia, Maroc, Spania, Grèce etc o mulțime de rețete mari, celebre, simple și delicioase din întreaga lume, folosind tot felul de carnuri și legume colorate!

Să începem cu cele 30 de minute , este un spectacol , perfect pentru oricine caruia îi place, știe, sau vrea să învețe despre gătit ... aici ai un episod cu o mare  lasagna cu legume,  ușor de a facut și perfect pentru o vara fierbinte!

Nu spun că toată lumea ar trebui să gătească, dar există ceva cu adevărat fascinant legat  de mancare și alimente,si prepararea lor în general .. și ce-i mai bun din toate acestea e ca într-adevăr nu trebuie să fii un bucătar pentru a face toate aceste retete minunate! Enjoy! .. Și zile fericite! : D

Ps:imi cers scuze pentru greselile din RO,dar de cele mai multe ori traducerea din engleza se face cu google translate si nu functioneaza tocmai perfect :)

miercuri, 26 iunie 2013

Squizers or how to use your knwledge to earn real money!!!

Personally I believe that we live in a world where everybody is on the run and everything goes at the speed of light, much stress anchored many many more problems or conflicts that often get squeezed powers. I think I get where you're trying to enjoy what little free time you do it, but then do not know what to do with it, for all the interesting things you just jump to mind when you are most busy or the involved in something.

Unfortunately, can spare time for many means Facebook, Cancan.ro or other stupid TV show and you sit and see how many hours were also killed, as consummate politicians we stupid or what surgery has done to I grow habits! Can get and stay 2-3 hours then you realize that actually, you're left with nothing!

Still, there are alternatives, many, but perhaps not so appealing at first glance that the first mentioned above, but I think it deserves our patience. I mean, you manage to use your free time creatively, and even learn new things that can help you along. Furthermore, to not feel alone, you can take and 1-2 friends with you and you like in your spare time and be close to them.

I recently had the pleasure to meet and take part in a new and very interesting game general knowledge only Pastime good to know something new or challenge friends to a duel of knowledge! : D

Think outside the student or driving exam, we all liked or multiple choice questions like "Did you know ...?" Where can I learn the most interesting and fascinating things about nature and mankind. Not to mention, who does not look at you be millionaire / billionaire and not left to the end fascinated that he learned something and how much money you earn / lose if he would have the answer? : D

Well, the game will tell you it's called SQUIZERS and is a combination of all the above! Indeed, at first, but the game is promising and I think that will go far, because it makes you think about it if your free time is not actually time won?



Personal consider ca traim intr-o lume in care toata lumea e pe fuga si totul trece cu viteza luminii, mult stres ancorat, probleme cate si mai cate sau conflicte care de multe ori te storc de puteri. Cred ca am ajuns acolo unde incerci sa te bucuri de putinul timp liber pe care ti-l faci, dar si atunci nu stii ce sa faci cu el, pt ca toate lucrurile interesante iti sar in minte doar cand esti cel mai ocupat sau cel mai angrenat in ceva.

Din pacate, poate timp liber pentru multi inseamna Facebook, Cancan.ro sau alte televiziuni si emisiuni tampite in care stai ore intregi si vezi cati s-au mai sinucis, ce politicieni desavarsiti avem sau care ce operatie tampita si-a mai facut ca sa-i creasca naravurile! Ajungi si stai poate 2-3 ore dupa care iti dai seama ca efectiv, n-ai ramas cu nimic!

Si totusi, exista si alternative, multe, dar poate nu atat de atragatoare la o prima vedere ca primele enuntate mai sus, dar care cred eu ca merita rabdarea noastra. Adica, sa reusesti sa folosesti creativ timpul tau liber, si chiar sa inveti lucruri noi care poate odata te vor ajuta. Mai mult, ca sa nu te simti singur, iti poti lua si 1-2 prieteni cu tine si poti ca in timpul tau liber sa fii aproape si de ei.

Recent, am avut placerea de a intalni si de a lua parte la un joc nou si foarte interesant de cultura generala, numai bun de petrecut timpul liber pentru a cunoaste lucruri noi sau de a-ti provoca prietenii la un duel de cunostiinte! :D

Cred ca in afara studentiei sau a examenului de soferi, tuturor ne-au placut intrebarile grile sau de genul " Stiati ca... ? " de unde poate am invatat cele mai interesante si fascinante chestii legate de natura sau omenire. Sa nu mai zic, cine nu se uita la Vrei sa fii Milionar/Miliardar si nu ramanea la sfarsit fascinat ca a invatat ceva si cati bani putea castiga/pierde daca el ar fi dat raspunsul ? :D

Ei bine, jocul de care va zic eu se numeste SQUIZERS si este o combinatie dintre toate de mai sus! Intradevar, jocul e la inceput dar eu cred ca promite multe si ca va ajunge departe, pentru ca te face sa te gandesti mai bine daca timpul tau liber nu e de fapt, timp castigat?


luni, 24 iunie 2013

Book of the week "Marty Barbany's heritage" by Chufo Llorens

I'm sure not many of you have heard about this book or this author,i came across it after searching books with the storyline in or about Barcelona,and this one caught my attention..

Chufo Llorens

..is a spanish writer,born in Barcelona in 1933,specialized in historical novels.Unfortunately there isn't much info about him, just that he also wrote "Te dare la tierra" a book sold in  150.000 copies...

"Marty Barbany's heritage"

Passion, friendship, jealousy, honor and revenge in medieval Barcelona.

Barcelona medieval houses within its walls,two stories under the sign of love and ambition: a young man from the country manages to change their destiny with only hope to thrive, longing for the love of a young noble, and the Count of Barcelona, ​​caught in a adulterous love, pushing the city into a dangerous political conflict.

Marti's legacy Barbany masterfully blends fiction and history in fresco a lively city where covenants, noble lineage, palace intrigue, ambition and others of all religions living together under the shape and color dress of the most intense emotions.


Tuesday Barbany has only nineteen when arriving in the city, hoping for a new life, away from poverty. Metropolis fascinates him, not only by size but also by all the chances that open in his way.

Road or ...
is not without obstacles. But thanks to an unexpected inheritance and his skill in business, it leads to wealth, becoming a man, respected, envied, and hated by enemies.

BUT ...
luck will not always be there. Tuesday's destiny will be marked by the Count of Barcelona, ​​Ramon Berenguer I, whose adulterous love for the Countess of Toulouse, Almodis de la Marca, it will make him face neighboring counties and even pontiff, jeopardizing peace in Barcelona.

Pasiune, prietenie, invidie, onoare si razbunare in Barcelona medievala.

Barcelona medievala adaposteste intre zidurile sale doua istorii, sub semnul iubirii si ambitiei: un tanar de la tara reuseste sa si schimbe destinul cu singura speranta de a prospera, tanjind dupa iubirea unei tinere de neam ales, iar contele de Barcelona, prins intr-o iubire adultera, impinge orasul intr un periculos conflict politic.

Mostenirea lui Marti Barbany imbina cu maiestrie fictiune si istorie in fresca plina de viata a unui oras in care pactele, descendenta nobiliara, intrigile de palat, ambitia negustoreasca si convietuirea semenilor de toate religiile imbraca forma si culoarea celor mai intense emotii.


Marti Barbany are doar nouasprezece ani atunci cand soseste in oras, sperand la o noua viata, departe de saracie. Metropola il fascineaza, nu doar prin marime, ci si prin toate sansele ce i se deschid in cale.

nu este lipsit de obstacole. Dar, multumita unei mosteniri neasteptate si priceperii sale in afaceri, il conduce spre bogatie si il face sa ajunga un om de baza, si respectat, si invidiat, si dusmanit.

norocul nu ii va fi mereu alaturi. Destinul lui Marti va fi marcat de contele de Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer I, a carui iubire adultera pentru contesa de Toulouse, Almodis de la Marca, il va face sa se infrunte cu comitatele vecine si chiar cu suveranul pontif, punand in pericol pacea Barcelonei.

vineri, 21 iunie 2013

Easy,tasty pasta dishes for this weekend!

I have a habbit of watching a lot the food chanel lately,Jamie Oliver is THE MAN there,simple,talented,charming..a real artist!
Don't know how many of you know that he has his own..
A lot can be learned from there ;) and the best part,you can watch it any time!
Next i selected a few pasta dishes from this channel,hope you'll try and enjoy them!
But first..

joi, 20 iunie 2013

R.I.P. James Gandolfini

I want to dedicate this post to this great actor,best known for his role in the HBO's spectacular tv series "The SOPRANOS"..
Date of Birth
18 September 1961, Westwood, New Jersey, USA 

Date of Death
19 June 2013, Rome, Italy (suspected cardiac arrest) 

Birth Name
James J. Gandolfini Junior 


6' 0½" (1.84 m) 

Mini Biography
New Jersey-born James Gandolfini began acting in the New York theater. His Broadway debut was in the 1992 revival of "A Streetcar Named Desire" with Jessica Lange and Alec Baldwin. James' breakthrough role was his portrayal of Virgil the hitman in Tony Scott's True Romance (1993), but the role that brought him worldwide fame and accolades was as complex Mafia boss Tony Soprano in HBO's smash hit series "The Sopranos" (1999).

if you want to review,or you missed one,here is a full filmography of James Gandolfini :

Criminal Justice (TV series) (completed) 
Jack Stone
– Episode #1.1 (2013) … Jack Stone

2013 Untitled Nicole Holofcener Project (completed) 

2013 Nicky Deuce (TV movie) 
Bobby Eggs

2013 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 
Doug Munny

2012 Zero Dark Thirty 
C.I.A. Director

2012 Not Fade Away 

2012 Killing Them Softly 

2011 Violet & Daisy 

2011 Cinema Verite (TV movie) 
Craig Gilbert

2011 Down the Shore 

2010 Mint Julep 
Mr. G

2010 Welcome to the Rileys 
Douglas Lloyd 'Doug' Riley

2009 Where the Wild Things Are 
Carol (voice)

2009 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 

2009 In the Loop 
Lt. Gen. George Miller

2007 Stories USA 
The Man (segment "Club Soda")

1999-2007 The Sopranos (TV series) 
Tony Soprano
– Made in America (2007) … Tony Soprano
– The Blue Comet (2007) … Tony Soprano
– The Second Coming (2007) … Tony Soprano
– Kennedy and Heidi (2007) … Tony Soprano
– Walk Like a Man (2007) … Tony Soprano
See all 86 episodes »

2006 The Sopranos: Road to Respect (Video Game) 
Tony Soprano (voice)

2006 Club Soda (short) 
The Man

2006 All the King's Men 
Tiny Duffy

2006 Lonely Hearts 
Det. Charles Hilderbrandt

2005 Romance & Cigarettes 
Nick Murder

2004 Surviving Christmas 
Tom Valco

2001 The Last Castle 
Col. Winter

2001 The Man Who Wasn't There 
Big Dave Brewster

2001 The Mexican 
Winston Baldry

1999 8MM 
Eddie Poole

1999 A Whole New Day (short) 

1998 A Civil Action 
Al Love

1998 The Mighty 
Kenny Kane

1998 Fallen 

1997 Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 
Diner cook #2 (uncredited)

1997 Perdita Durango 
Willie 'Woody' Dumas

1997 12 Angry Men (TV movie) 
Juror #6

1997 She's So Lovely 

1997 Gun (TV series) 
Walter Difideli
– Columbus Day (1997) … Walter Difideli

1996 Night Falls on Manhattan 
Joey Allegretto

1996 The Juror 

1995 Get Shorty 

1995 Crimson Tide 
Lt. Bobby Dougherty

1995 Le nouveau monde 
Will Caberra

1994 Terminal Velocity 
Ben Pinkwater

1994 Angie 

1993 Mr. Wonderful 

1993 True Romance 

1993 Money for Nothing 
Billy Coyle

1993 Italian Movie 

1992 A Stranger Among Us 
Tony Baldessari

1991 The Last Boy Scout 
Marcones Henchman (uncredited)

1987 Shock! Shock! Shock! 

This post is a tribute to James Gandolfini ,Rest In Peace! :(

miercuri, 19 iunie 2013

The first GIVEAWAY!!!!!

Today we decided to bring out the big guns,and have our first Giveaway,unfortunately this is only for the guys from Romania,sorry for the rest...
So for our Giveaway,all we ask is for you to like the page and share one of our blogposts including this one with the Giveaway @https://www.facebook.com/barcadreamers !!!
The gift is the last book of the week,and that is "The Great Gatsby" by F.Scott Fitzgerald in Romanian,a Polirom limited edition!
The Giveaway will end when the FB page will reach 500 likes!
Good luck to everyone! :D

Astăzi am decis să scoatem armamentul din dotare, și avem primul Giveaway, din păcate, acest lucru este doar pentru cei din România, îmi pare rău pentru restul ...
Deci, pentru Giveaway-ul nostru, tot ce cerem este sa dai like la pagina de FB și Share la unul dintre postarile noastre, inclusiv acesta cu Giveaway-ul ,@https://www.facebook.com/barcadreamers!
Darul este ultima carte a săptămânii, și anume "Marele Gatsby" de F.Scott Fitzgerald în limba română, o editie limitata Polirom!
Giveaway-ul se va încheia atunci când pagina de FB va ajunge la 500 de Like-uri!
Mult noroc tuturor! : D

luni, 17 iunie 2013

The Science of Being Black-Out Drunk

After a great weekend,i've decided to share some knowledge with everybody..Why do you have BLACKOUTS when you get drunk?!

..a blackout is a phenomenon caused by the intake of an alcoholic beverage or other substance in which long term memory creation is impaired or there is a complete inability to recall the past. Blackouts are frequently described as having effects similar to that of anterograde amnesia, in which the subject cannot recall any events after the event that caused amnesia. 'Blacking out' is not to be confused with the mutually exclusive act of 'passing out', which means loss of consciousness. Research on alcohol blackouts was begun by E. M. Jellinek in the 1940s. Using data from a survey of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members, he came to believe that blackouts would be a good determinant of alcoholism. However, there are conflicting views as to whether this is true.[1] The negative psychological effects of an alcohol-related blackout are often worsened by those who suffer from anxiety disorders.

What did alcohol do to my brain?

Anyone with a strong familiarity with booze has either had a blackout themselves, or knows someone who has. But not all blackouts are created equal; there are two types, "en bloc" and "fragmentary." As their names imply, fragmentary blackouts cause the drinker to not recall moments for small periods of time, whereas en bloc refers to larger periods.

People who experience fragmentary blackouts, sometimes referred to as "brownouts," can typically recall forgotten events once they're reminded of them. En bloc blackouts aren't so lucky. But both types are believed to be caused by the same thing, namely a neurophysiological, chemical disruption in the brain's hippocampus, a region integral to memory formation.

Alcohol interferes with the receptors in the hippocampus that transmit glutamate, a compound that carries signals between neurons. During this interference, alcohol prevents some receptors from working, while activating others. This process causes the neurons to create steroids that then prevent neurons from communicating with each other properly, thus disrupting long-term potentiation (LTP), a process believed necessary for learning and memory.
In simpler terms, the effect is similar to anterograde amnesia in that the brain temporarily loses the ability to create new memories.
If you wake up after a hard night,here is what you have to do,to get in the bast shape as fast as possible!
După un week-end frumos, am decis să împărtășesc câteva cunoștințe cu toata lumea .. de ce ai de pierdere a cunoștinței atunci când te îmbeți?!

.. "O pană de curent" in creierul tau este un fenomen cauzat de consumul de băuturi alcoolice sau alte substanțe, în care mult timp crearea memoria pe termen este afectată sau dacă există o incapacitate completă de a aminti trecutul. Penele de curent sunt adesea descrise ca având efecte similare cu cea de amnezie anterogradă, în care subiectul nu poate aminti un eveniment după eveniment care a provocat amnezie. "Cremă de ghete out" nu trebuie să fie confundat cu actul exclud reciproc de "lesina", ceea ce înseamnă pierderea cunoștinței. Cercetari privind penele de curent de alcool a fost început de către EM Jellinek în 1940. Folosind datele de la un studiu de Alcoolicilor Anonimi (AA) membri, el a ajuns să creadă că penele de curent ar putea fi un factor determinant bun de alcoolism. Cu toate acestea, există opinii contradictorii cu privire la dacă acest lucru este adevărat [1] Efectele psihologice negative ale unei intreruperi de curent legate de alcool sunt adesea agravate de cei care sufera de tulburari de anxietate..

Ce a făcut alcoolul creierului meu?

Oricine care este familiarizat  cu alcoolul a avut o astfel de experienta sau știe pe cineva care a trecut prin asta. Dar nu toate penele de curent sunt create egal, există două tipuri, "în bloc" și "fragmentare". Ca numele lor, penele de curent fragmentare cauza bautor nu să reamintească momente pentru perioade mici de timp, în timp ce în bloc se referă la perioade mai mari.

Oamenii care se confruntă cu penele de curent fragmentare, uneori menționate ca "caderi de tensiune," poate aminti de obicei evenimente uitate odată ce au amintit de ei. Ro pene de curent bloc nu sunt atât de norocoși. Dar ambele tipuri sunt considerate a fi cauzate de același lucru, și anume o perturbare neurofiziologice, chimice în creierul hipocampus, o regiune integrantă la formarea de memorie.

Alcoolul interferează cu receptorii din hipocampus care transmit glutamat, un compus care transporta semnale intre neuroni. În această interferență, alcool previne unele receptori de lucru, în timp ce activarea altele. Acest proces face ca neuronii să creeze steroizi, care apoi împiedică neuronii să comunice între ele în mod corespunzător, astfel perturbarea potentarea pe termen lung (LTP), un proces considerat necesar pentru învățare și memorie.
In termeni mai simpli, efectul este similar cu anterograde amnezie în care creierul își pierde temporar capacitatea de a crea noi amintiri.
Dacă te trezești după o noapte grea, aici este ceea ce trebuie să faci, pentru a obține în formă coajă cât mai repede posibil!

miercuri, 12 iunie 2013

Book of the week: "The great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

After seeing the movie,the book has become a must,and it's such a pleasure to read it,while having all the characters in my mind...
..The dominant influences on F. Scott Fitzgerald were aspiration, literature, Princeton, Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, and alcohol.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on September 24, 1896.
Paris in the 1920s proved the most influential decade of Fitzgerald's development. Fitzgerald made several excursions to Europe, mostly Paris and the French Riviera, and became friends with many members of the American expatriate community in Paris, notably Ernest Hemingway.
His works are the paradigmatic writings of the Jazz Age, a term he coined himself.
Fitzgerald had been an alcoholic since his college days, and became notorious during the 1920s for his extraordinarily heavy drinking, leaving him in poor health by the late 1930s. According to Zelda's biographer, Nancy Milford, Fitzgerald claimed that he had contracted tuberculosis, but Milford dismisses it as a pretext to cover his drinking problems.
The Fitzgeralds spent the winter of 1924-1925 in Rome, where he revised The Great Gatsby; they were en route to Paris when the novel was published in April. The Great Gatsby marked a striking advance in Fitzgerald’s technique, utilizing a complex structure and a controlled narrative point of view. Fitzgerald’s achievement received critical praise, but sales of Gatsby were disappointing, though the stage and movie rights brought additional income.

The great GATSBY

The story has a simple line..you are drag in the 20's,the novel's events are filtered through the consciousness of its narrator, Nick Carraway, a young Yale graduate, who is both a part of and separate from the world he describes. Upon moving to New York, he rents a house next door to the mansion of an eccentric millionaire (Gatsby). Every Saturday, Gatsby throws a party at his mansion and all the great and the good of the young fashionable world come to marvel at his extravagance..Nick gets intrigued by Gasby,and starts finding out his secrets,carrying us into a great love story...

Gatsby connection to Fitzgerald
..In The Great Gatsby, parallels can be drawn between the novel and Scott Fitzgeralds own life. Parallels that can be drawn between The Great Gatsby and its author include Gatsby and Fitzgerald's desire for success through failure, the fact that Gatsby and Fitzgerald both "loved and lost", as well as Fitzgerald and Gatsby's shared quirks, such as alcoholism.

The first parallel that can be drawn between The Great Gatsby and Scott Fitzgerald's own life is the dreams of success that drive both Jay Gatsby and Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was never able to attain the fame that he pursued throughout his literary life, but was able to live out his dreams of wealth and success through Jay Gatsby. Like Fitzgerald, Gatsby came from unextrordinary begginings. Fitzgerald may not have started out Gatsby with mounds of wealth simply to make his own situation more realistic. In other words, Fitzgerald was still clinging to the hopes of prosperity despite not being born into lavish wealth.

The next similarity between Fitzgerald's life and Jay Gatsby's life is both of their strong opinions of alcohol. In the nove, Gatsby was portrayed as a strong anti- alcoholic, who never touched an alcoholic beverage, not even at his own parties. He acts this way because in his earlier life, Gatsby had to take care of a man who was drunk all the time. His experiences convinced Gatsby of the harmful effect alcohol has on the body. Like Gatsby, Fitzgerald also has his share of experiences with alcohol. Fitzgerald was a heavy alcoholic through most of his life, but attempted abstinence later in his life. His experiences of withdrawl were probably the basis of Gatsby's choice to abstain from drinking.

The last parallel that can be drawn between Gatsby and Fitzgerald is their love lives. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby devotes his life to wooing the beautiful Daisy Buchanan. Like Gatsby, Fitzgerald also devoted much of his time to trying to impress the lovely Zelda. Unlike Gatsby, however, Fitzgerald succeeded in his quest for love and ended up marrying Zelda.

Because of the obvious similarities between Scott Fitzgerald's life and the storyline of The Great Gatsby, it is obvious that Fitzgerald has used experiences in his own life to shape the world Jay Gatsby lives in.

"...I am slow-thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires..."

"There is no confusion like the confusion of a simple mind…"

“I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”

După ce am văzut filmul, cartea a devenit o necesitate, și este o placere sa o  citesc, în timp ce pastrez ​​toate personajele din mintea...

.. Influențele dominante pentru F. Scott Fitzgerald au fost aspirație, literatură, Princeton, Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, și alcool.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald s-a nascut in St Paul, Minnesota, la 24 septembrie 1896.
Paris în anii 1920 s-au dovedit deceniu cel mai influent de dezvoltare Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald a făcut mai multe excursii în Europa, mai ales la Paris și pe Riviera franceză, și a devenit prieteni cu mulți membri ai comunității american expatriat la Paris, în special Ernest Hemingway.
Lucrarile sale sunt scrierile paradigmatice ale Epocii Jazz, un termen inventat el însuși.
Fitzgerald a fost un alcoolic, deoarece zilele de colegiu, și a devenit cunoscut în anii 1920 pentru a băut extraordinar de greu, lăsându-l în stare precară de sănătate de la sfârșitul anilor 1930. Potrivit biografului Zelda lui, Nancy Milford, Fitzgerald a susținut că el a contractat tuberculoza, dar Milford se respinge ca un pretext pentru a acoperi problemele de baut.
A Fitzgeralds petrecut iarna 1924-1925 de la Roma, unde a revizuit The Great Gatsby, erau în drum spre Paris, când romanul a fost publicat în aprilie. The Great Gatsby a marcat un progres remarcabil în tehnica Fitzgerald, folosind o structură complexă și un punct narativ controlat de vedere. Realizarea Fitzgerald a primit laude, dar vanzarile de Gatsby au fost dezamăgitoare, deși drepturile de scenă și film a adus venituri suplimentare.

The Great Gatsby

Povestea are o linie simpla .. vă trageți în anii '20, evenimente noi sunt filtrate prin constiinta naratorului său, Nick Carraway, un tânăr absolvent de Yale, care este în același timp o parte din și separată de lumea a descrie. După mutarea la New York, el a închiriat o casă alături de conac al unui milionar excentric (Gatsby). În fiecare sâmbătă, Gatsby aruncă o petrecere la conacul lui și tot cel Mare și bună a lumii tinerilor la modă vin să se minuneze la extravaganța lui .. Nick devine intrigat de Gasby, și începe a afla secretele sale, ne transportă într-o poveste de dragoste mare ...

Conectare Gatsby la Fitzgerald
.. In The Great Gatsby, paralele pot fi trase între roman și Scott Fitzgerald propria viață. Paralele care pot fi trase între The Great Gatsby și autorul ei includ Gatsby și Fitzgerald dorința de succes prin eșec, faptul că Gatsby și Fitzgerald atât "iubit și pierdut", precum și Fitzgerald și quirks comune lui Gatsby, cum ar fi alcoolismul.

Prima paralelă care pot fi trase între The Great Gatsby și propria viață Scott Fitzgerald este visele de succes, care conduce atat Jay Gatsby și Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald nu a fost capabil de a atinge faima pe care a urmărit de-a lungul vieții sale literare, dar a fost capabil să-și trăiască visele sale de avere și de succes prin Jay Gatsby. Ca Fitzgerald, Gatsby a venit de la begginings unextrordinary. Fitzgerald nu poate fi început Gatsby cu movile de avere pur și simplu pentru a face propria situație mult mai realist. Cu alte cuvinte, Fitzgerald a fost încă agățându-se de speranța de prosperitate, deși nu se naște în bogăție generos.

Următorul similitudine între viața Fitzgerald și viața Jay Gatsby este atât de opiniile lor puternice de alcool. În Nove, Gatsby a fost portretizat ca un puternic anti-alcoolic, care nu a atins o băutură alcoolică, nu chiar la propriile petreceri. El acționează în acest fel pentru că în viața lui mai devreme, Gatsby a trebuit să aibă grijă de un om care a fost beat tot timpul. Experientele sale convins Gatsby a efectului nociv de alcool are asupra organismului. Ca Gatsby, Fitzgerald are, de asemenea, cota sa de experiență cu alcool. Fitzgerald a fost un alcoolic grea prin cea mai mare a vieții sale, dar a încercat abstinenta mai tarziu in viata lui. Experientele sale de sevraj au fost, probabil, la baza alegerii lui Gatsby să se abțină de la băut.

Ultimul paralel, care pot fi trase între Gatsby și Fitzgerald este viața lor de dragoste. În The Great Gatsby, Gatsby a dedicat viața atragerea frumoasa Daisy Buchanan. Ca Gatsby, Fitzgerald, de asemenea, dedicat o mare parte din timpul său pentru a încerca să impresioneze pe frumoasa Zelda. Spre deosebire de Gatsby, cu toate acestea, Fitzgerald a reușit în căutarea lui pentru dragoste și ajuns să se căsătorească Zelda.

Datorită asemănărilor evidente între viața Scott Fitzgerald și povestea de The Great Gatsby, este evident că Fitzgerald a folosit experiența în propria viață pentru a modela lumea in care Jay Gatsby trăiește.

marți, 11 iunie 2013

E3 day 1+2

EA Press Conference

Plans vs zombie garden warfare
Titan fall 
Star Wars Batlefront
Need 4speed Rivals,Game+Movie! 

Dragon age inquisition, NBA live 14 ,Madden NFL 25, Fifa 14 ,Battlefield 4, Mirrors Edge 2 


The most important titles for the PS3 

The last of us
Beyond 2 souls starring Ellen Page and William Defoe!
Gran turismo 6
Batman Arkham origins
+300 new games for ps3 launching this year!

And for the big finale,the new PS4!

Wich will cost 399 euro/$ so less then the Xbox one!
With the PS4 will be launched, a new generation of games will be ready for it,and these are the best of them:
Killzone Shadowfall
Drive Club
inFAMOUS second son
Final Fantasy versus XIII
Kingdom Heart
AC 4- black flag
Watch Dogs
Dying Light
here is the full press conference,if you are interested

At the end i have a surprise for you,the new FIFA 14 trailer,starring 5 BARCELONA players and CAMP NOU..ENJOY!

luni, 10 iunie 2013


Today E3 started with Microsoft presentation and here are the best new things that will be out soon:
-> New Xbox 360 SLIM

->Xbox One OUT NOVEMBER @ 499 EURO
->SMARTGLASS,a smarthphone lookalike remote for the new xbox one
->and a great list of EXCLUSIVE XBOX GAMES or games with exclusive features for Kinect:


Sunset Overdrive

Ryse-Son of Rome


A new HALO on Xbox ONE and a new tv series directed by SPIELBERG!

One of the best thing to come:



Project Spark
The Witcher 3

Batlefield 4

and Titan Fall,a new Xbox one franchise set to come out next Spring.

That's it for today,we're waiting to see what SONY and the Playstation 4 has to bring tomorrow!

joi, 6 iunie 2013


..so it is well known that we are living in a age of speed, fast cars,fast internet,fast comunication..everyone is on a hurry to find a way to get to the top,to have money,to fall in love,to buy a home,to go out,to travel,to have fun,to explore...fast,while you are young,that's what everyone keeps on saying...What's with all this HURRY!? best things in life come when you give time,when you relax and enjoy something..and i want to give you a few examples..food! if you cook it fast it is not well made,you will have a stomach ache,or if you eat too fast,and you don't enjoy your meal,you will feel sick,so no good will come..and there are plenty of examples,if you start a new project,and your only thought is to be fast,you will rush it,and everything will fall apart!
I will present to you 2 videos, first one is about the scariest job in the world..
..now imagine this guy rushing on his way to the top!What good can come from that?
..and don't get me started with the cars,because i know myself,and i usualy drive like a maniac,but fortunately i haven't had any accidents till now..but take a look at this guys,while they are being fast,see where it gets them ;)

Relax and try to enjoy your life!

.. este bine cunoscut faptul că trăim într-o epocă a vitezei, mașini rapide, internet rapid, comunicare rapid .. toată lumea este pe grabă pentru a găsi o modalitate de a ajunge la partea de sus, pentru a avea bani, de a se îndragosti , de a cumpăra o casă, să iasă, să călătorească, să se distreze, să exploreze ... rapid, cat timp  esti tanar, asta e ceea ce toată lumea vorbește mereu ... ce-i cu atata graba? cele mai bune lucruri in viata vin atunci când oferi timp, atunci când suntem relaxați și ajungem sa ne bucuram de ceva .. și vreau să vă dau câteva exemple .. mâncarea! daca gatesti repede aceasta nu este bine facut, vei avea o durere de stomac, sau mănânci prea repede, și nu vă bucurati de masă, va veti simti rău, deci nici un bun va veni .. și există o mulțime de exemple, dacă începeți un nou proiect, și singurul tău gând este să fii rapid, veți grăbi, și va rezulta un esec!
Va voi prezenta 2 videoclipuri, primul este despre cel mai înfricoșător loc de muncă din lume ..

.. acum imaginati-va acest tip grabindu-se în drumul său pana sus! ce bun poate veni din asta?
.. si nu ma lasa sa incep cu masinile, pentru că si eu conduc de obicei ca un nebun, dar din fericire nu am avut nici un accident până acum .. dar arunati o privire la acesti indivizi, cum incearca ei sa fie rapizi, asta doar ca sa vedeti unde ajung cu toata graba  ;)

Relaxați-vă și enjoy!

marți, 4 iunie 2013

Book of the week: El silencio de Gaudi by Juan David Morgan

Today i came across this book,about Gaudi,the architect i wrote on the blog about a few days back,have not read it yet,i just order it online,hope i will get it very soon..ps: the best part about this thriller is that it is really cheap,like 2 euros and it has 384 pages..don't ask me why,because the plot of the book is very catchy!

..Juan David Morgan G. is a transcendental writer in the Panamanian literature. His career as a writer was initiated in 1992 under the pseudonym Jorge Thomas, with his first novel, “Fugitivos del Paisaje” (the Wales-Panama saga of a family). His second book, was the historical novel “Cicatrices inútiles, 1994 (about the U.S. invasion to Panama in 1989); “Entre el cielo y la Tierra”, 1996 (about Monsignor Jovane, a man “between heaven and earth”);  “Con Ardientes Fulgores de Gloria”, 1999  (the independence of Panama from Colombia and the negotiations U.S.-Panama for the construction of the Canal). In 2001 he published “La rebelión de los poetas y otros cuentos” (shorts stories).   “El veredicto” (about the role of the French negotiator, Bunau-Varilla, in the negotiations for the construction of the Panama Canal), was written by Morgan and Ernesto Endara, also an outstanding Panamanian writer.  Another historical novel was published under his real name: “El caballo de oro”, 2005 (the construction of the transisthmian railway in Panama). “¡Arde Panamá”  the Colombian edition of the novel “Con ardientes fulgores de gloria”, was published under Morgan’s real name in 2003.  The most recent work of Juan David Morgan is “El silencio de Gaudí”, 2007 (a thriller about Gaudí).

 “El silencio de Gaudí”

..Jesuit Father Manuel Otano, who works for the Vatican, is to inspect the progress made in the construction of the Holy Family abode purifier. To this end, he traveled to the capital of Catalonia, now in full dispute because a project of the municipality, which includes the construction of a railway tunnel that would pass below the Mallorca street, threatening to destroy, in a not too distant future, the foundation Sagrada Familia cathedral.

After the last trip to Barcelona, ​​priest returns to the Vatican with a document that contains an amazing testimony about mystical experience lived by Gaudi. If the church accepts as good architect revelations will be placed among the saints. Pope Benedict XVI, who has studied all the private revelations of Church history claims that she has never seen anything like it, but do not think the world is ready to assimilate Catholic so sublime a revelation, but approaching eschatology.

The plot thickens when Valera enters the scene, the Pope's personal secretary, a former terrorist who is ready to do anything to stop the construction of the suburban train speed.

RO: Azi am gasit aceasta carte,doar ce am comandat-o,inca nu pot sa va spun prea multe despre ea,decat ca e foarte ieftina,7 ron,respectiv 10 + transport,si ca are 384 pagini,asa ca nu am idee cum de este atat de ieftina..dar nici nu-mi pasa,sper doar sa fie buna,pentru ca ideea este destul de captivanta:

Tacerea lui Gaudi

Parintele iezuit Manuel Otano, care lucreaza pentru Vatican, are sarcina de a inspecta progresele facute la construirea Lacasului Purificator al Sfintei Familii. In acest scop, calatoreste in capitala Cataloniei, aflata acum in plina disputa din cauza unui proiect al municipalitatii, care prevede construirea unui tunel feroviar ce ar urma sa treaca pe sub strada Mallorca, amenintand sa distruga, intr-un viitor nu prea indepartat, fundatia catedralei Sagrada Familia.

Dupa ultima calatorie la Barcelona, sacerdotul se intoarce la Vatican cu un document care contine o marturie uluitoare despre experienta mistica traita de Gaudi. In cazul in care biserica accepta drept bune revelatiile arhitectului, va trebui asezat in randul sfintilor. Papa Benedict al XVI-lea, care a studiat toate revelatiile private din istoria Bisericii, pretinde ca nu a vazut niciodata ceva asemanator, insa nu crede ca lumea catolica este pregatita sa asimileze o revelatie atat de sublima, dar care se apropie de escatologie.

Intriga se complica in momentul in care intra in scena Valera, secretarul personal al Papei, un fost terorist care este gata sa faca orice pentru a opri construirea tronsonului suburban al trenului de mare viteza.
