luni, 24 iunie 2013

Book of the week "Marty Barbany's heritage" by Chufo Llorens

I'm sure not many of you have heard about this book or this author,i came across it after searching books with the storyline in or about Barcelona,and this one caught my attention..

Chufo Llorens a spanish writer,born in Barcelona in 1933,specialized in historical novels.Unfortunately there isn't much info about him, just that he also wrote "Te dare la tierra" a book sold in  150.000 copies...

"Marty Barbany's heritage"

Passion, friendship, jealousy, honor and revenge in medieval Barcelona.

Barcelona medieval houses within its walls,two stories under the sign of love and ambition: a young man from the country manages to change their destiny with only hope to thrive, longing for the love of a young noble, and the Count of Barcelona, ​​caught in a adulterous love, pushing the city into a dangerous political conflict.

Marti's legacy Barbany masterfully blends fiction and history in fresco a lively city where covenants, noble lineage, palace intrigue, ambition and others of all religions living together under the shape and color dress of the most intense emotions.


Tuesday Barbany has only nineteen when arriving in the city, hoping for a new life, away from poverty. Metropolis fascinates him, not only by size but also by all the chances that open in his way.

Road or ...
is not without obstacles. But thanks to an unexpected inheritance and his skill in business, it leads to wealth, becoming a man, respected, envied, and hated by enemies.

BUT ...
luck will not always be there. Tuesday's destiny will be marked by the Count of Barcelona, ​​Ramon Berenguer I, whose adulterous love for the Countess of Toulouse, Almodis de la Marca, it will make him face neighboring counties and even pontiff, jeopardizing peace in Barcelona.

Pasiune, prietenie, invidie, onoare si razbunare in Barcelona medievala.

Barcelona medievala adaposteste intre zidurile sale doua istorii, sub semnul iubirii si ambitiei: un tanar de la tara reuseste sa si schimbe destinul cu singura speranta de a prospera, tanjind dupa iubirea unei tinere de neam ales, iar contele de Barcelona, prins intr-o iubire adultera, impinge orasul intr un periculos conflict politic.

Mostenirea lui Marti Barbany imbina cu maiestrie fictiune si istorie in fresca plina de viata a unui oras in care pactele, descendenta nobiliara, intrigile de palat, ambitia negustoreasca si convietuirea semenilor de toate religiile imbraca forma si culoarea celor mai intense emotii.


Marti Barbany are doar nouasprezece ani atunci cand soseste in oras, sperand la o noua viata, departe de saracie. Metropola il fascineaza, nu doar prin marime, ci si prin toate sansele ce i se deschid in cale.

nu este lipsit de obstacole. Dar, multumita unei mosteniri neasteptate si priceperii sale in afaceri, il conduce spre bogatie si il face sa ajunga un om de baza, si respectat, si invidiat, si dusmanit.

norocul nu ii va fi mereu alaturi. Destinul lui Marti va fi marcat de contele de Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer I, a carui iubire adultera pentru contesa de Toulouse, Almodis de la Marca, il va face sa se infrunte cu comitatele vecine si chiar cu suveranul pontif, punand in pericol pacea Barcelonei.

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