miercuri, 26 iunie 2013

Squizers or how to use your knwledge to earn real money!!!

Personally I believe that we live in a world where everybody is on the run and everything goes at the speed of light, much stress anchored many many more problems or conflicts that often get squeezed powers. I think I get where you're trying to enjoy what little free time you do it, but then do not know what to do with it, for all the interesting things you just jump to mind when you are most busy or the involved in something.

Unfortunately, can spare time for many means Facebook, Cancan.ro or other stupid TV show and you sit and see how many hours were also killed, as consummate politicians we stupid or what surgery has done to I grow habits! Can get and stay 2-3 hours then you realize that actually, you're left with nothing!

Still, there are alternatives, many, but perhaps not so appealing at first glance that the first mentioned above, but I think it deserves our patience. I mean, you manage to use your free time creatively, and even learn new things that can help you along. Furthermore, to not feel alone, you can take and 1-2 friends with you and you like in your spare time and be close to them.

I recently had the pleasure to meet and take part in a new and very interesting game general knowledge only Pastime good to know something new or challenge friends to a duel of knowledge! : D

Think outside the student or driving exam, we all liked or multiple choice questions like "Did you know ...?" Where can I learn the most interesting and fascinating things about nature and mankind. Not to mention, who does not look at you be millionaire / billionaire and not left to the end fascinated that he learned something and how much money you earn / lose if he would have the answer? : D

Well, the game will tell you it's called SQUIZERS and is a combination of all the above! Indeed, at first, but the game is promising and I think that will go far, because it makes you think about it if your free time is not actually time won?



Personal consider ca traim intr-o lume in care toata lumea e pe fuga si totul trece cu viteza luminii, mult stres ancorat, probleme cate si mai cate sau conflicte care de multe ori te storc de puteri. Cred ca am ajuns acolo unde incerci sa te bucuri de putinul timp liber pe care ti-l faci, dar si atunci nu stii ce sa faci cu el, pt ca toate lucrurile interesante iti sar in minte doar cand esti cel mai ocupat sau cel mai angrenat in ceva.

Din pacate, poate timp liber pentru multi inseamna Facebook, Cancan.ro sau alte televiziuni si emisiuni tampite in care stai ore intregi si vezi cati s-au mai sinucis, ce politicieni desavarsiti avem sau care ce operatie tampita si-a mai facut ca sa-i creasca naravurile! Ajungi si stai poate 2-3 ore dupa care iti dai seama ca efectiv, n-ai ramas cu nimic!

Si totusi, exista si alternative, multe, dar poate nu atat de atragatoare la o prima vedere ca primele enuntate mai sus, dar care cred eu ca merita rabdarea noastra. Adica, sa reusesti sa folosesti creativ timpul tau liber, si chiar sa inveti lucruri noi care poate odata te vor ajuta. Mai mult, ca sa nu te simti singur, iti poti lua si 1-2 prieteni cu tine si poti ca in timpul tau liber sa fii aproape si de ei.

Recent, am avut placerea de a intalni si de a lua parte la un joc nou si foarte interesant de cultura generala, numai bun de petrecut timpul liber pentru a cunoaste lucruri noi sau de a-ti provoca prietenii la un duel de cunostiinte! :D

Cred ca in afara studentiei sau a examenului de soferi, tuturor ne-au placut intrebarile grile sau de genul " Stiati ca... ? " de unde poate am invatat cele mai interesante si fascinante chestii legate de natura sau omenire. Sa nu mai zic, cine nu se uita la Vrei sa fii Milionar/Miliardar si nu ramanea la sfarsit fascinat ca a invatat ceva si cati bani putea castiga/pierde daca el ar fi dat raspunsul ? :D

Ei bine, jocul de care va zic eu se numeste SQUIZERS si este o combinatie dintre toate de mai sus! Intradevar, jocul e la inceput dar eu cred ca promite multe si ca va ajunge departe, pentru ca te face sa te gandesti mai bine daca timpul tau liber nu e de fapt, timp castigat?


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