..Juan David Morgan G. is a transcendental writer in the Panamanian literature. His career as a writer was initiated in 1992 under the pseudonym Jorge Thomas, with his first novel, “Fugitivos del Paisaje” (the Wales-Panama saga of a family). His second book, was the historical novel “Cicatrices inútiles, 1994 (about the U.S. invasion to Panama in 1989); “Entre el cielo y la Tierra”, 1996 (about Monsignor Jovane, a man “between heaven and earth”); “Con Ardientes Fulgores de Gloria”, 1999 (the independence of Panama from Colombia and the negotiations U.S.-Panama for the construction of the Canal). In 2001 he published “La rebelión de los poetas y otros cuentos” (shorts stories). “El veredicto” (about the role of the French negotiator, Bunau-Varilla, in the negotiations for the construction of the Panama Canal), was written by Morgan and Ernesto Endara, also an outstanding Panamanian writer. Another historical novel was published under his real name: “El caballo de oro”, 2005 (the construction of the transisthmian railway in Panama). “¡Arde Panamá” the Colombian edition of the novel “Con ardientes fulgores de gloria”, was published under Morgan’s real name in 2003. The most recent work of Juan David Morgan is “El silencio de Gaudí”, 2007 (a thriller about Gaudí).
“El silencio de Gaudí”
..Jesuit Father Manuel Otano, who works for the Vatican, is to inspect the progress made in the construction of the Holy Family abode purifier. To this end, he traveled to the capital of Catalonia, now in full dispute because a project of the municipality, which includes the construction of a railway tunnel that would pass below the Mallorca street, threatening to destroy, in a not too distant future, the foundation Sagrada Familia cathedral.After the last trip to Barcelona, priest returns to the Vatican with a document that contains an amazing testimony about mystical experience lived by Gaudi. If the church accepts as good architect revelations will be placed among the saints. Pope Benedict XVI, who has studied all the private revelations of Church history claims that she has never seen anything like it, but do not think the world is ready to assimilate Catholic so sublime a revelation, but approaching eschatology.
The plot thickens when Valera enters the scene, the Pope's personal secretary, a former terrorist who is ready to do anything to stop the construction of the suburban train speed.
RO: Azi am gasit aceasta carte,doar ce am comandat-o,inca nu pot sa va spun prea multe despre ea,decat ca e foarte ieftina,7 ron,respectiv 10 + transport,si ca are 384 pagini,asa ca nu am idee cum de este atat de ieftina..dar nici nu-mi pasa,sper doar sa fie buna,pentru ca ideea este destul de captivanta:
Tacerea lui Gaudi
Parintele iezuit Manuel Otano, care lucreaza pentru Vatican, are sarcina de a inspecta progresele facute la construirea Lacasului Purificator al Sfintei Familii. In acest scop, calatoreste in capitala Cataloniei, aflata acum in plina disputa din cauza unui proiect al municipalitatii, care prevede construirea unui tunel feroviar ce ar urma sa treaca pe sub strada Mallorca, amenintand sa distruga, intr-un viitor nu prea indepartat, fundatia catedralei Sagrada Familia.
Dupa ultima calatorie la Barcelona, sacerdotul se intoarce la Vatican cu un document care contine o marturie uluitoare despre experienta mistica traita de Gaudi. In cazul in care biserica accepta drept bune revelatiile arhitectului, va trebui asezat in randul sfintilor. Papa Benedict al XVI-lea, care a studiat toate revelatiile private din istoria Bisericii, pretinde ca nu a vazut niciodata ceva asemanator, insa nu crede ca lumea catolica este pregatita sa asimileze o revelatie atat de sublima, dar care se apropie de escatologie.
Intriga se complica in momentul in care intra in scena Valera, secretarul personal al Papei, un fost terorist care este gata sa faca orice pentru a opri construirea tronsonului suburban al trenului de mare viteza.
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