After seeing Olympus has fallen,all i can say is that the cast is all A-class,and Gerard Butler plays the role of Bruce Willis,sorry an ex commando,who now is in charge of the bodyguard team of the president of USA.
The timing of the movie is great,reporting to some real facts because just a few days ago North Korea anounced that they want to use nuclear weapons,so the movie has its plot right.
The effects and the music are great,the movie has nonstop action and keeps you right in the middle of regaining the White House after it was atacked by North Korean therorists.
So good parts,bad parts..good actors,good visual and sound effects,a lot of action,good story and that's it,now bad parts,Gerard Butler killing everyone,just like in a Die hard movie,feels like Armagedon,only this time everyone is fighting to save USA,hmm and once again we have Morgan Freeman as "God" or that's how i see it.The movie deserves a 8+,and you should defenetly see it.
Fact after seeing this movie,all i can ask is..why is the life of one man more important then the rest?! Why should we care and invest so much in the life of an individual,this case the president,while a hole nation is starving?! :-?
Dupa ce am vazut Cod rosu la Casa Alba,tot ce pot spune este ca toti actorii sunt de prim rang,si Gerard Butler joaca rolul lui Bruce Willis,pardon un fost agent comando,care acum ocupa functia de bodyguard al presedintelui Americii.Timeingul este perfect cu ce s-a intamplat recent in lumea reala,deoarece Korea de nord a amenintat recent ca intentioneaza sa foloseasca armament nuclear,asa ca din acest punct de vedere lansarea filmului si scenariul se potriveste perfect.
Efectele si muzica sunt foarte bune si filmul este o actiune continua de la inceput pana la final tinandu-te intrigat in lupta pentru recuperarea Casei Albe care a fost atacata de teroristii nord coreeni.
Asadar parti bune parti rele..cele bune,actorii,efectele actiunea constanta si povestea,si partile rele Gerard Butler omoara cu lejeritate pe toata lumea,te simti ca la un film DIE HARD,si asemanarea cu filmul ARMAGEDON doar ca acolo era de salvat lumea,iar aici America,hmm si din nou il avem pe Morgan Freeman in rolul lui "Dumnezeu" sau cel care ia comenzile.Filmul merita un 8+ si merita vazut.
Concluzie dupa ce am vazut filmul,tot ce pot e sa ma intreb de ce viata unui singur om trebuie considerata mai valoroasa ca altele?! De ce ar trebui sa ne pese si sa investim atat de mult in viata unui singur individ,in acest caz presedintele,cat timp o natiune intreaga moare de foamete!? :-?
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